Latest version: ...

Dev Build (sha256/sha512)


A template for building and distributing Morrowind mods, designed to be used as a base for new projects to quickly get going with. Made to be used with this modders’ guide.


Author: Your Name Here


  1. Download the mod from this URL

  2. Extract the zip to a location of your choosing, examples below:

     # Windows
     # Linux
     # macOS
  3. Add the appropriate data path to your opemw.cfg file (e.g. data="C:\games\OpenMWMods\weapon")

  4. Add content=weapon.omwaddon and content=momw-mod-template.omwscripts to your load order in openmw.cfg or enable them via OpenMW-Launcher

Report A Problem

If you’ve found an issue with this mod, or if you simply have a question, please use one of the following ways to reach out: